Get details of a player campaign state
Get details of a player campaign state, this endpoint is rate limited to 10 requests per second.
Body Required
curl \
--request POST BASE_URL/free-spins-campaigns/get-player-state \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Signature: string" \
--header "Public-Key: string" \
--data '{"brandId":"string","campaignId":"string","playerId":"string"}'
Request examples
# Headers
Signature: string
Public-Key: string
# Payload
"brandId": "string",
"campaignId": "string",
"playerId": "string"
Response examples (200)
"betCount": 42,
"betValue": 42.0,
"betsPlayed": 42,
"campaignId": "string",
"campaignName": "string",
"consumeBefore": 641779201000,
"currency": "string",
"gameId": "string",
"handoverAfter": 641779201000,
"status": "DRAFT",
"totalBetAmount": 42.0,
"totalWinAmount": 42.0
Response examples (400)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"
Response examples (401)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"
Response examples (500)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"