Fetch transaction

GET /history/transactions/{transactionId}

Response data is not real time and may have a delay. 404 means that transaction is not found or being processed, and will not be available for some time.



GET /history/transactions/{transactionId}
curl \
 --request GET BASE_URL/history/transactions/{transactionId} \
 --header "Signature: string" \
 --header "Public-Key: string"
Response examples (200)
  "amount": 42.0,
  "brandId": "string",
  "cashAmount": 42.0,
  "country": "string",
  "createTimestamp": 42,
  "currency": "string",
  "freeSpinsCampaignId": "string",
  "gameId": "string",
  "gameRoundId": "string",
  "isFeatureBuy": true,
  "isGameRoundFinished": true,
  "isRollbackRefunded": true,
  "jackpotAmount": 42.0,
  "platform": "string",
  "playerId": "string",
  "referenceTransactionId": "string",
  "resolveTimestamp": 42,
  "sessionId": "string",
  "transactionId": "string",
  "transactionResponseBalance": 42.0,
  "transactionResponseCurrency": "string",
  "transactionResponseStatus": "APPLIED",
  "transactionType": "withdraw"
Response examples (400)
  "description": "string",
  "traceId": "string"
Response examples (401)
  "description": "string",
  "traceId": "string"
Response examples (500)
  "description": "string",
  "traceId": "string"