Body Required
The total amount of the transaction in the currency of the transaction. This amount is the sum of the cash amount and the jackpot amount.
The cash contribution to the amount field in the currency of the transaction. This field is mainly for analytics purposes.
freeSpinsCampaignId string
jackpotAmount number | null
The jackpot contribution to the amount field in the currency of the transaction. This field is mainly for analytics purposes. If the transaction does not involve a jackpot, this field should be set to null.
Minimum value is
curl \
--request POST BASE_URL/wallet/withdraw \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Signature: string" \
--header "Public-Key: string" \
--data '{"amount":42.0,"cashAmount":42.0,"currency":"string","freeSpinsCampaignId":"string","gameId":"string","gameRoundId":"string","isGameRoundFinished":true,"jackpotAmount":42.0,"playerId":"string","sessionId":"string","transactionId":"string"}'
Request examples
# Headers
Signature: string
Public-Key: string
# Payload
"amount": 42.0,
"cashAmount": 42.0,
"currency": "string",
"freeSpinsCampaignId": "string",
"gameId": "string",
"gameRoundId": "string",
"isGameRoundFinished": true,
"jackpotAmount": 42.0,
"playerId": "string",
"sessionId": "string",
"transactionId": "string"
Response examples (200)
"balance": 42.0,
"currency": "string",
"resolveTimestamp": 42
Response examples (400)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"
Response examples (401)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"
Response examples (500)
"description": "string",
"traceId": "string"